30 Day yoga challenge
So January is here...and sometimes we need a little help with new year motivation. I have put together a 30 day yoga challenge for all of my lovely yogis in class and really hoping they like it. I've tried to make it as accessible as possible, so it is simply a few sun salutations followed by one posture a day. They will each receive the calendar with the postures, and a little bracelet to remind them to do their posture each day, and then finally, access to a video for each posture...
Im posting all the videos on my blog as it seems the easiest way for my class to access them...I worry daily emails with a 5 minute video would destroy inboxes!
This first video is the recap on your sun salutations and cat-cow.
Posture 1 - downdog
posture 2 - padangustasana
posture 3 - Trikonasana
Posture 4 - Trikonasana
Posture 5 - sphinx / cobra
Posture 6 - Purvottanasana
So tomorrow is day 7 which is when you put together all the 6 poses into a little flow. So I will update this in two days with your next posture. Week One DONE! Have fun x
Posture 7 - High Plank (sorry about the sound on this one)
posture 8 - parsvakonasana
Posture 9 - Malasana (I have a poorly 3 year old who just wants to be near mummy at the moment - I can only apologise for the graceful way he wipes his nose halfway through this video...I had no idea until I'd posted it ! x)
Posture 10 - Badakonasana
Posture 11 - Upavista Konasana
Posture 12 - dhanurasana/bow
Enjoy putting this weeks poses into a little flow tomorrow and I'll be back to add posture 13 in a couple of days xx
Posture 13: Chaturanga (With Tiggy and Stella joining us!)
Posture 14: Padottanasana A. B. C & D
Posture 15: skandasana / side lunge
Posture 16: Warrior I - sorry about Chester barking...I think it was the poor postman getting a welcome woof!
posture 17 _ Warrior II
posture 18 - JanuSirsasana A & B
ITS YOUR FINAL WEEK!! Congratulations!
Posture 19 - Utthita Hasta Padangustasana...in the snow :)
Posture 20 - Utkatasana. I rushed through this one a little as I could hear the children screaming downstairs
Posture 21 - Tree pose (I got muddled with posture numbers, so this is posture 21 despite me calling it posture 20 in the video !)
Posture 22 - Gomukasana...its a long one, sorry!
Posture 23 - Navasana...almost there!
Posture 24 - Your last one! CONGRATULATIONS! It has been a pleasure doing this with you guys, I hope you've all found it useful.
Enjoy putting the 24 poses together into a little flow and I'll catch up with you this week in class xxx